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Blockchain & Bitcoin2

TokenLedge Blockchain & Bitcoin2 (Valid Proofs in Chain Explorer)
├── Initiate Private Address to Generate Redis MerkleProof with Dynamic rotating PoA Consensus
│ ├── Verified Authorities by Multi-sig
│ └── Cryptographic Puzzle with Apple Keychain Services API
│ ├── MultipeerConnectivity with Multi-party Communication Payment Terminal + Offline PoS )
│ └── Snowflake Driver (outdelegate 100,000 Queue Tickets per Second)
├── Hyperledger Fabric's State Network Nodes Database
│ └── Mirror Sublayer Network Nodes (Limit of Miners x 15)
├── Broadcast Public Address with TokenID to Catch by Responder with UUIDv4
├── To Initiate a Transaction on TokenLedge Blockchain
│ ├── GET USER
│ ├── POST TRANSACTION (MerkleTree Group Hashes)
│ ├── Transaction signatures using Ed25519 for authenticity
│ └── Encryption of sensitive transaction data using ECC (X25519) for secure transmission
├── MerkleForest
│ ├── Dynamic Strings of Salt Hash as Tokens on Transaction Address
│ └── 100 MerkleTree Groups of 1,000 Transactions (changing every second, when a group is full it regenerate a new group of 1,000 Transactions)
├── SHA256 & AES
│ ├── TransactionInput (Leaf1)
│ ├── TransactionOutput (Leaf2)
│ └── MerkleRootHash + Leaf1 & Leaf2
│ └── Signature checkSum + MerkleRoot + Private ECC Key + TransactionInput (Transaction ID, Receiver's Address, Amount transferred) + TransactionOutput (New MerkleRoot, Receiver's Address, Public Ed25519 key signed, Amount Transferred)
├── JWT Payload
│ └── JWT tokens signed using Ed25519 for integrity and authenticity
│ └── Responder Received on Public Address and Merge Private Address with Public Address to Update Balance after Handshake with Ed25519.
├── ProposeBlock
│ ├──(PreviousBlockHash)
│ ├──(BlockHash)
│ └──(Block structure: Timestamp, Nonce, Amount of Bitcoins Transferred, Sender & Receiver's Address)